How To Choose A Weight Loss Hypnotherapist

By Anita Ortega

In the modern world millions are spent every year on diet products. Yet for all their ubiquity obesity is a problem that is increasing globally year on year. There are numerous explanations for this. One that you may not have considered is your mental approach and this is where a weight loss hypnotherapist may help.

The crucial thing to realise is that hypnosis is not about doing things against your will. People often associate this with cartoons and being told to do the biddings of a villainous magician. In reality hypnosis is often used as a tool to help people achieve things that they have been looking to do for themselves anyway.

An easy to follow diet or exercise program is often attractive. In many ways it is symptomatic of modern culture. People want a quick fix and there are plenty of companies that are happy to provide this quick fix so that people can achieve their short term goals.

The good news is that with a change of approach you can create more positive routines to replace unhealthy vicious circles. In the case of diet it is about finding a healthier substitute for an unhealthier snack. For example if you enjoy pasta then using less oil and not topping the pasta with cheese is often a good start.

The difficulty comes after you have met this short term goal. Inevitably the praise from friends and family after you have achieved your goal will stop. The period after this initial success is often the key period for a diet or exercise regime as this is the test to see how sustainable it really is.

The key to hypnotherapy is to get someone to confront negative behaviour and replace it with positive behaviour. The good thing about this is that the innate human desire for routine can be used in a positive as well as negative way.

What a professional hypnotherapist will do is get their patient to remove certain associations. For example they may often turn to cakes because they remember their mother baking them and making it for them when they felt sad. Therefore there is a subconscious association that this comfort food is linked with that memory. With hypnotherapy it is possible to disassociate the two things and get people to recognise that the cake is only personal to them because they have given the food that symbolic comfort value.

You can find numerous qualified hypnotherapists in the Eastchester NY area by using a search engine and finding their website. It is recommended that you compare a number of them in order to learn more about their services. Remember that a therapist should not say that their program is a quick fix that will solve everything in a couple of weeks. The best and most responsible therapists will emphasise that their program is a tool to help people change their behaviour and create a sustainable fitness program. With a smart approach you will be able to change yourself and get fitter in the long term!

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