Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Helped By Chiropractor In Lancaster

By Rae Patricio

One of the biggest dangers facing office workers and others who perform repetitive actions each day is the pain caused by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Otherwise known as CTS, this painful condition affects the wrists of the sufferer, limiting movement and reducing the victim's ability to use his hands without painful sensations. Thankfully, many patients can receive the help they need from Lancaster chiropractic services.

The modern work environment is far less strenuous than it used to be, but it also has more tasks that the average worker is required to repeat on a regular basis. This constant repetition places stress on the carpal tunnel, and can damage the nerves that tunnel is designed to protect. That leads to the pain and weakness seen in most of these patients.

Chiropractors have techniques that can help to minimize damage in the early stages of the syndrome. A combination of massage, adjustments, and manipulation of the areas affected by repetition can often prevent the condition's onset. Ina addition. Posture changes, exercise, and stretching regimens are all used to reduce pressure on the nerves.

For patients already suffering from the syndrome, the focus turns to stress reduction. Inflammation and stress must be reduced to promote healing. That is best accomplished through techniques that directly massage and manipulate the tissues affected so that normal blood flow can resume and nerves can decompress.

One or two meetings with the chiropractor are usually required for positive results to occur. Patients should be prepared for multiple sessions if they want to properly address the issue, however. As a direct result of that therapy process, many sufferers see feeling return to their hands, and a reduction in pain.

Without proper care, CTS can cost the average sufferer tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills and lost wages. By receiving the natural and safe therapy chiropractors provide, any patient can receive the care he needs and have a chance to regain his lost quality of life.

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