Discover How Norwalk CT Headache Sufferers Get Relief

By Clyde Banosia

Headaches are a common neurological condition which is experienced by practically every person at some time. They are caused by many different triggers, manifest in varied forms and may range greatly in intensities. A Norwalk CT chiropractic practice could provide natural relief.

With so much variety in manifestation, no two people have the same exact experience. Some episodes are brief while others continue for days with the pains being described as either pounding pulses, sharp stabs, throbbing, or dull aches. The physical discomfort may engulf the entire head, concentrate in a specific portion of the brain, press the sinuses, or manifest behind one's eyes.

Though few headaches are the result of serious conditions requiring immediate medical attention, most stem from issues such as drug reactions, high blood sugar, tension, stress, food triggers, and some diseases. They might be nothing more than the aches, or they could be accompanied by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or blurred vision. Most recurrent episodes are classified as either tension or migraine.

Tension, or stress headaches are the most common type and while they often produce severe pain, it is quite rare for nausea, throbbing or vomiting to occur. Pinched nerves and inflamed tissue resulting from upper spinal subluxations are common causes. The sensory disruption and knotted muscles cause pain manifestations of either a sensation of tightness in the head or as dull aches in the ocular region.

Migraines are more intense and manifest as a result of the nervous, hormonal and vascular systems interacting in a complex fashion. The root of these is hard to explain though they are often associated with visual issues like flashing lights, dizziness, sudden nausea and vomiting. The throbbing or stabbing pains are frequently debilitating and long lasting.

Therapeutic massage or spinal manipulation are the two primary means by which chiropractors generally approach these issues. Every person is different so conducting a full evaluation is the first step. Most people experience significant relief with the initial session, though chronic conditions will likely need regular attention.

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