What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Herbal Remedies?

Herbal remedies are fast becoming popular even in our generation where everything seems to be governed by science. Herbal remedies or herbal medicine can be the first thing we try whenever we notice something wrong with our system, such as cough and colds. There are also times when we use herbs as our last resort, for example after we haven taken too many fat-burning pills.

We also use different herbal remedies for more serious ailments from ulcer and kidney stones to reproductive problems and even as a cure for cancer. Some doctors even encourage the use of herbal medicines - medically tested herbal medicines that is. Not all herbal remedies are advantageous and beneficial to our health. Some have no effect at all, while some may even cause greater damage.

It is better if you consult your doctor first before you randomly pluck leaves out of your backyard and brew it into tea. As I have said, some may not help you improve your health and may even get you sick. There are also a lot of herbal plants which are not safe for human beings to use. Anyway, in this article, we will list down the advantages and disadvantages of using herbal medicines or remedies.


They have all-natural ingredients
Not all herbal remedies you pluck outside your backyard yes, but most herbal products, even those sold commercially, are made with all natural ingredients. These herbal medicines in the form of pills or tablets are guaranteed to contain ingredients which are extracted from the plant itself, or from any of its parts which contain the most essential components.

Since an herbal medicine is made from nature, it is very likely that it will not cause any drastic negative effects on your body. There might be a few pharmaceutical companies though that will mix some synthetic chemicals in the herbal pills but they are added to increase the effect. Otherwise, research before you buy an herbal medicine and make sure it has been approved by the government health agencies.

They give minimal side effects
Most herbal medicines do not give off unwanted side effects because they do not contain harmful chemicals. Instead, as what is stated above, they mostly contain harmless compounds found in nature. Herbal medicines are also less strong as compared to chemical drugs.

There is also less chance that you would develop an allergy reaction to an herbal medicine. Just make sure the herbal medicine you are using is made of one hundred percent natural ingredients and you are safe. However, if allergies have always been a problem no matter what you take in, it is wiser to consult your doctor first before going to the health store.

They cost significantly lower
This is one of the most obvious advantage of using herbal remedies. They are a lot cheaper (and I mean, a lot!) compared to their synthetic and man-made counterparts. The reason why they cost lower is because herbal medicines use natural ingredients and do not have to incorporate chemicals which cost higher than herbs.

Herbal remedies are also very readily available. You can plant a particular medicinal plant in your own garden and backyard so in case you will have to use it, you just have to prepare it in your kitchen. Why, you even saved yourself a trip to the health store!


Their effects may take a while for you to see and feel
However, just like everything else we have in this world, herbal medicines also come with some negative aspects. Regular users of herbal remedies and medicines may have to agree with me on this, that most herbal treatments need a longer time for them to take effect fully. A person who is waiting for an herbal medicine to take its effect must possess great patience!

Then again, this is not because the herb or any of its ingredients are ineffective. They are just as effective but, especially if you bought a hundred percent natural medicine, they do not contain synthetic chemicals that are sometimes added to hasten the effect of the herb.

Some are not safe to use
Just as what I have said earlier, some herbs are not as safe to be taken and used by humans. Some herbs may not have any effect on our health while some may even cause diseases and sickness due to their poison content. Some of the herbs that are toxic and should be taken under professional supervision are borage, calamus, comfrey, chaparral and even the relatively innocent licorice.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alan_Cassidy


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