Important Information That Detroit Neuropathy Patients Need To Know

By Helga Stokes

Neuropathy generally refers to the disorders that occur as a result of the damage to the nerves found in the peripheral nervous system. It is also known as peripheral neuropathy and is mainly caused by damaged nerve axons. Most of the Detroit neuropathy patients complain of pain and a numb feeling in the hands and feet. Common causes include infections, metabolic disorders, traumatic injuries and exposure to toxins. Diabetes is among the leading causes of neuropathy..

It affects sensory nerves, motor nerves and internal body organs such as the heart, bladder, blood vessels or intestines. Patients experience pain in form of a burning or tingling sensation and which lasts for varying durations. In most cases, the symptoms improve especially if the underlying cause is curable. Most people associate this condition with poor nutrition, trauma or pressure, tumor and certain diseases. However, many cases lack a specific cause are therefore considered as idiopathic.

Medical research has identified a number of risk factors for this condition. It is more likely in diabetic patients who fail to regulate their level of blood sugar. Autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus are known to increase the risk. Conditions such as AIDS, immune system suppression and organ transplant may also increase the risk of development this condition. Others include alcohol abuse, vitamin deficiency and disorders of the kidney, thyroid and liver.

The symptoms experienced depend on the affected nerve and the location in the body where the nerve is situated. It may affect the motor, sensory or autonomic nerve. There are cases where all the nerves are involved. It occurs suddenly or gradually over a certain period of time.

The treatment mainly involves measures to control symptoms as well as to address the underlying cause of the disease. It may include medical treatments for vitamin deficiencies, kidney disease, diabetes, infections and autoimmune disease. In many cases, the treatment of the underlying condition can reduce or completely eliminate the symptoms. Surgery is recommended for cases involving entrapment or compression of nerves by tumors.

Doctors face numerous challenges in the process of diagnosing this condition. The diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the condition arises from a collection of other disorders that have multiple potential cases. An effective diagnosis requires a complete medical history and an examination of tendon reflexes, posture, muscle tone and strength. Several blood tests are carried out to investigate the level of vitamin B-12. Other tests performed include nerve conduction, nerve biopsy, and urinalysis and thyroid function tests.

Prevention of the underlying cause helps to reduce the risk of developing this disease. For people with diabetes, it is advisable to ensure the level of blood sugar is kept under control to reduce chances of getting the disease. Neuropathies resulting from alcohol abuse and poor nutrition are prevented by addressing these causes. Those that are inheritable or genetic are not preventable.

There are a number of effective therapies and home remedies that are widely used by Detroit neuropathy patients to control the disease. Regular exercise is recommended due to its ability to reduce pain and keep the blood sugar levels in check. Massage therapy helps to improve blood circulation, control blood glucose and reduce the level of pain. Good nutrition and proper hygiene are very useful.

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