Learn How Palatine Acupuncture Helps Ease Headache Pain Without Medication

By Princess Smith

About three percent of adults suffer from intense headaches or migraines which recur on a regular basis. This debilitating condition can negatively impact many aspects of life. Medications can help to manage the symptoms, but may produce undesirable side effects. Palatine acupuncturists provide a natural alternative for safe and effective headache pain relief.

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to successfully alleviate headache and migraine pain. According to traditional Chinese medicine, a vital energy force called Qi travels along pathways in the body. Symptoms of disease arise if the circulation of Qi becomes blocked. Acupuncture works by freeing obstructions to restore the balance and flow of Qi.

When a patient with persistent headache pain comes into the Palatine wellness center, the acupuncturist asks for a detailed description of their symptoms. She then inserts sterile needles into defined points around the body. They remain in position for thirty minutes or less depending on the nature of the headaches.

The acupuncture procedure is virtually painless. The needles used are thinner than a human hair and slide quickly and easily into the skin. Some sensitive patients feel a prick or sting when a needle is inserted, but the discomfort is momentary. Once the needles are positioned, most people remain calm and relaxed for the duration of the session.

A growing number of scientific studies are finding acupuncture to be more effective than medications for reducing the severity and frequency of headaches. Western researchers believe that the nervous system reacts to stimulation by the needles, causing the body to release endorphins. These neurotransmitters bind to opiate receptors in the brain and suppress the transmission of pain signals.

Palatine acupuncturists are able to help patients achieve long-term headache relief. The majority experience a significant reduction in pain during the initial procedure. After around five thirty minutes sessions, many patients are able to put aside their pain medication and enjoy a better quality of life.

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  1. Acupuncture is recognized as having certain physiologic effects that can contribute to pain relief, but no plausible mechanism has been identified that could lead to long-term benefits for chronic pain, with the result that the treatment remains highly controversial, according to the researchers.Thanks.acupuncture in sacramento

  2. Useful information shared. I am very happy to read this article. Thanks for giving us nice info. I think acupuncture can be very helpful in headache and so many headache specialist seattle do acupuncture therapy in headache I appreciate this post.
