Seattle Migraine Headache Sufferers Can Find Relief Through Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments

By Guy Lobdell

A person with a history of migraine headaches will be eager to find a way to alleviate the severe pain. Some people have visualized bright lights prior to a headache starting. Alternatively, there are no warning signs. While the headache is in effect, it is disabling. A leading Seattle chiropractor will work with you to find a way to alleviate the intense pain.

With many migraines there is nausea and sometimes vomiting. Working will not be possible. These headaches do not appear on any schedule. Sometimes there will be two in one week, followed by a month without any. Some people report being migraine free for six months at a time.

Research sometimes links their occurrence to certain foods. Cheese is considered a strong possibility. Drinking coffee or wine can precipitate a migraine.

Making that first appointment to see a chiropractor is the first step towards finding some relief. A medical history will be taken. You will discuss when your migraines occur, what precedes them if you know and you will be examined physically. Spinal subluxation may be a cause or contributing factor.

Scientists are still conducting research but, have no definite answers. Prior to a thorough evaluation, no care can be recommended. After you are examined, a plan will be made. There may be a series of office visits arranged to adjust the spine. Massage may help to ease the intensity of the headache.

A schedule will be set up for your series of spinal adjustments. You may receive advice on what foods and beverages to avoid. Keep a record of what food you eat. This can help you learn what might be setting off the headaches. There may also be some tense activity that precedes them.

With the professional advice of your chiropractor, you can try to determine what precipitates them. There might be an aura of light before they start. After suffering a migraine, you will consider it worth any effort to alleviate the hurt.

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