Innovative Chiropractic Adjustments Help Leg Pain Sufferers Find Relief In San Antonio

By Griselda Zernan Albao

To many people, their quality of life is dependent upon their ability to move without any restrictions in their body. Leg pains can present difficulties when performing even basic actions like standing, sitting, bending or walking. In situations of this sort, a San Antonio chiropractor can use issue specific techniques to provide quick and natural relief.

Among the more prominent conditions affecting these extremities, is sciatica. The primary symptoms are pains in a range of varied intensities, that begin in the lower spine or upper buttocks region, and extend down into the legs on one side or both. As this nerve is the largest in one's body, when it is compressed, the results may be quite debilitating.

There are a number of disorders that may lead to the onset of sciatica. Among these are herniated or bulging discs, vertebrae pinching the nerve, degenerative disc diseases, spinal stenosis, tumors and pregnancy. It may also develop as a result of wearing high heels, being overweight, sitting or sleeping on lumpy surfaces, persistent constipation, or diabetes.

The doctor first needs to determine the condition's root cause in order to formulate the best approach for relief. A full diagnostic examination is required as every patient will have unique details to their circumstances. Electromyography may be used to check nerve damage levels, while CAT scans, MRI's, X-rays, complete physical and one's medical history should provide all the necessary information.

Doctors of chiropractic care have a variety of methods by which they may alleviate a patient's pain. The most frequently practiced technique is a manual spinal manipulation. This is a process where the vertebrae are moved back into proper position by hands on force, relieving pressure from the nerve.

Other methods might also be used, depending on the specifics of a patient's individual circumstances. Among these are the application of ultrasounds or TENS therapy for pain, and cold packs to reduce inflammation. Which natural methods will be included will be determined based on each case.

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