The Options Of Back Pain Relief

By Jerry Thompson

Back pain is a common problem that affects men and women in nearly equal proportions. The incidence of the condition appears to increase with advancing age. In general, the problem may be described as being acute or chronic. The latter term is used if it has lasted for less than two weeks and the former used if the duration is more than two weeks. There are a number of things on back pain relief Blue Bell, PA residents need to know if struggling with the problem.

Treatment is dependent on the underlying problem. Most cases of acute pain are due to muscle strain such as that which occurs after involvement in strenuous physical activity. They tend to resolve spontaneously with time or with over the counter analgesic agents. In a few cases, they may fail to resolve to the medication and progress to become chronic.

Among the commonest causes of chronic back ache is a degenerative condition known as osteoarthritis. The condition affects large joints including the ankle joint, the knee joint, the hip joint and intervertebral joints. The problem is often seen from the sixth decade of life. The discomfort has been observed to be aggravated by movements taking place at the affected joints.

While there is no definitive treatment of osteoarthritis (except removal of affected bones in severe cases), analgesic agents are often used to provide relief. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs, NSAIDs are, in particular, quite helpful. Examples include diclofenac, naproxen and aspirin among others. Opioids and opioid-like drugs such as tramadol may be prescribed if the symptoms are severe. Exercise is often prescribed alongside the drugs.

Infections are another cause of both acute and chronic pain. If the causative agent is isolated and found to be bacterial, antibiotics are usually prescribed and they provide relief in a matter of days. The most feared infection is tuberculosis. This is because, the infection usually destroys the vertebral bodies and may result in marked spinal instability. Surgery (spinal fusion) is often required to restore normalcy.

Tumors cause pain by affecting bony structures as well as soft tissues. There are two main types of tumors that affect the spine: primary and secondary. Primary tumors originate from vertebral bodies while secondary tumors are those that have spread to the spine from other regions. The commonest primary tumor is malignant melanoma. Others are osteochondroma, giant cell tumor and osteosarcoma among others. Secondary tumors originate from other sites including the breast, the thyroid, the prostate and the kidneys among others.

Several other options other than medical treatment and surgery are available. Physical therapy is among the most commonly used alternatives. There are two main types of exercises that can be used: passive and active. Passive exercises are conducted by the therapist while active exercises are done by the patient. To increase the chances of success, the two are often offered concurrently.

Acupressure and acupuncture are other options that one may consider. Acupuncture is said to work by restoring the normal flow of life energy (also known as qi). This is made possible through the use of fine needles that are inserted into the body in predetermined regions. Acupressure is done similarly but the palm of the hand is used to apply pressure instead of needles.

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