Useful Tips For Dealing With Temporomandibular Disorder

By Armando Rodriguez

Temporomandibular disorder has numerous impacts as it can affect your speech, breathing and chewing. Considering that this joint rests amid the mandible and temporal mandible bones, a small effect on the joint can cause lots of discomfort to your mouth. For anybody who finds that they have the temporomandibular disorder, below are some important tips for curing such conditions.

Drugs are ideal solution for anybody combating TMJ disorders. Physicians might prescribe drugs with respect to the condition of the TMJ. A physician would for example recommend people to use anti-anxiety or relaxants medicines if the jaw muscles are impacted greatly. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also other important medications you can consider to cure such problems.

Eating soft foods is also important to when treating TMJ disorders. You can consider eating foods which do not entail much chewing like scrambled eggs, yogurt, soup and mashed potatoes as this gives your jaws time to rest and cure. Eating soft foods can help your TMJ symptoms disappear within two to three weeks depending on the condition of the jaw.

Splints are another solution when curing temporomandibular joint disorders. The grinding of teeth mostly known as bruxism can injure and increase the pain. Consequently, to reduce the chances of the upper and lower teeth coming together, a doctor might prescribe you to a splint. These devices are made to fit over the teeth reducing the pressure in the jaw muscles and joints which gives them time to rest and heal.

Applying moist heat on the side of your face where such pain is can also help greatly. The moist heat would work to relax the tight muscles, which may be the main cause of the pain. A short time after, you should also apply ice on the same area where you had applied the heat to help such jaws recapture their normal state.

If your TMJ symptoms do not seem to adhere to these approaches, the physician can prescribe you to transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or ultrasound treatments. The equipment used to carry out this therapy operates under low levels of electric currents to loosen up the facial muscles and the jaw joints. This ends up boosting the curing process which can also reduce the pain from the TMJ disorder.

Doctors may also use trigger point injections to deal with TMJ disorders. The dental professional would need to inject a sedative into the tender face muscles to reduce the discomfort. When being treated with this method, you may be also recommended to some exercises to assist in stretching the muscles to improve the recovery process.

The above given are a couple of few useful methods for dealing with a temporomandibular disorder, most of which vary in effectiveness and cost. Some treatments could be cheap and simple to deal with but might take lengthy periods before someone can obtain any useful results. Others could be pricey and difficult to deal with but in some way the outcomes could be acquired within a short while. People ought to decide the method they are willing to undergo based on their access to finances and personal preferences.

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