Understanding Harmonize Mind Body And Spirit Torrance

By Betty Gibson

When it comes to alternative forms of medical care, there are a number of options. For those needing assistance with specific conditions, these can include acupressure, acupuncture, Chinese herbalists, chiropractors and massage therapists. Whereas, individuals only seeking to harmonize mind body and spirit Torrance, free-form dance or Yoga are often good options.

Yoga classes are offered in a number of different settings and locations. These include, churches, gyms, medical centers, senior centers and Yoga studios. In addition, there are different types of practice. While this is the case, it is often recommended that individuals who have little to no experience with the practice attend a basic yoga class before making a decision on which practice to use on a regular basis.

While improvisational dance allows dancers to become in tune and move freely to either live or recorded music, various types of Yoga are more structured. As such, depending on how an individual feels about patterns and structure versus freedom can often determine which activity one might find more enjoyable.

Before becoming involved in a dance group or Yoga class, it is important that one check with a primary care provider to assure one is healthy enough to do so. For, while most basic Yoga poses do not put stress on the body, there can be breathing exercises and movements which can be difficult for individuals suffering from present or past injuries or illness.

The history of Yoga begins in the Far East. After which, the practice became a part of popular culture in Western traditions. In fact, it was not until the early 1980s that the practice became a well known aspect of health and well-being. With the onset of popularity around the world, the practice is now considered one based on philosophy and mysticism as associated with Hinduism rather than aspect of the religion.

While there have been a number of studies which have attempted to show the results of yoga on different health related issues such as heart disease, asthma, schizophrenia and cancer, results have been mixed. While this is the case, balancing and calming the mind has shown beneficial to concentration. Whereas, basic breathing, movement and stretching techniques have shown to assist with overcoming physical pain.

In most cases, goals of those practicing various forms of Yoga are liberation of self and finding more focus in life. As with free-form dance, results often include becoming more alert and self-aware after each session. In addition, individuals often feel more energetic and relaxed through allowing the mind to be free of thoughts which can often inhibit these realities.

Ultimately, there are different principals when it comes to the practice. In most cases, the most basic of these are attaining goals and controlling the body and mind. Whereas, others include different aspects and techniques through use of specific terminology with regards to the different types of practice.

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