Scalp Treatment For Dandruff And Its Causes

By Janine Hughes

Every woman wants to look good and beautiful and it is because of this that they would do anything to stand out from the rest. That is why its common to see any woman coupled up with the latest accessories. When it comes to hair the trend is also the same, the latest hair style is what most women want to wear. But for some women it has been impossible for them to have any hair style at all. This is due to itchiness and dryness which is very uncomfortable, that why it is important for any woman to know scalp treatment for dandruff.

Dandruff is a scalp condition whereby white or grey flakes form as a result of dead cells. When a person has it they feel itchy which can be uncomfortable and irritating sometimes. This condition is usually harmless and it is not contagious though it is chronic.

The cause of dandruff is mainly the shedding off of the dead cells in the scalp. Other causes are; not combing your hair- studies that have been previously conducted shows that not combing your hair regularly are more likely to suffer from this condition than those who comb their hair.

Dry scalp skin is the commonest cause of the condition; a dry skin also causes flakes which will only add more to the condition. Oily skin can also cause dandruff; this condition is known as seborrheic dermatitis which is usually serious if not treated immediately.

The symptom of dandruff is usually the white or grey flakes in the scalp. They are visible when one wears a dark cloth because they fall off on a person shoulders. This scalp condition is usually harmless but it is chronic, though it can be controlled.

Treatment depends on whether the condition is severe or mild. For a mild condition, treatment may be done easily at home. Simple steps such as combing your hair at least once daily, washing your hair with a little shampoo daily and avoid scratching the scalp when washing but instead massaging it can be some of the simple ways of reducing this condition. Also by avoiding the mix of many different hair products and by using shampoos that are anti dandruffs can also help.

Using apple cedar vinegar as a home treatment for this condition can also work and is in fact recommended. The procedure is really easy, the only thing that one needs is warm water and a cup of vinegar. As you wash your hairs remember to massage it gently for some time then risen it. This can be done once or twice after a week or two it all depends on you.

The only effect that vinegar has is the smell which takes up to eight or twelve hours to clear. So if you are planning to step out it might not be wise to use vinegar on your hair. The end result for treating this right is a strong healthy hair which will ensure that you look neat and presentable.

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