What To Know About Lactose Free Probiotics

By Kristen Baird

There are many things that people can do to promote wellness in the body. Being healthy is important to living a happy and fulfilling life. People are gaining more interest in ways to natural promote healing and well-being. Probiotics are said to be extremely beneficial to the body, especially the gut and digestive system. Those who have an intolerance to lactose or just want to keep it out of their diet might be interested in lactose free probiotics.

There are a lot of supplements available today. These may differ in many ways, including strain and potency. The supplements are said to have different benefits, depending on what they includes. However, most are believed to balance the gut flora, aid with digestion and replenish healthy bacteria in the system. While many of these are lactose-based, there are options for those uninterested in dairy products.

Probiotics are live microorganisms. They are similar to what is naturally found in the human system and are therefore considered friendly or good bacteria. These probiotics can be taken in supplement form, which are often more effective, or by consuming certain fermented drinks or foods. Dairy is often used in supplements and even in yogurt with live and active cultures, or kefir. However, some people have a sensitivity to dairy and want to avoid it. Others might choose to remove it from their diet with the belief that it does more harm than good.

Options are available for nearly anyone with dietary exclusions. People can find supplements that are vegan, soy free, kosher and dairy free. As is true of any products, it is important to do some research, and trial and error, to determine what product is best for a person.

Generally, the higher the quality of the supplement, the more expensive it will be. Most people feel it is worth the price to improve and heal the gut, which is necessary for wellness. When considering the various products, look at labels that offer a lot of information about the contents of the product.

Around 90 percent of the gut should consist of good microbes. However, this is not often the case. Many things can change the ratio of bad and good bacteria in the health, including stress, various illnesses, poor diet and prescription drugs. If the gut is not healthy, other problems can manifest around the body, such as inflammation and weakened immunity.

Those looking for a lactose-free option can utilize a supplement and also consider including fermented foods and drinks into their diet. Kombucha, ginger beer, sauerkraut, water kefir, miso, sour pickles, moroccan preserved lemons, coconut kefir, and kimchi are all dairy-free options that are high in probiotics. While these are beneficial, they do not offer the same amount of bacteria as supplements, which often include multiple strains. Another tip for balancing the gut is to eat foods rich in beneficial minerals and vitamins, as well as fiber.

When finding a supplement without lactose, consider the strains and date of goods. Always do a thorough check to make sure no dairy is included. This can be difficult to do and require extra research. Some supplements could include dairy even if it is not listed on the ingredients, such as those grown through a dairy source.

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